Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Genesis through Ishmael's Eyes

"With this name [Eve], the author of the story have made it clear that Adam's temptation wasn't sex or lust or uxoriousness.  Adam was tempted by life." (179)

Although we studied Genesis my freshman year of high school, I always found the stories frustrating in their depiction of women.  Something was always the female gender's fault.  There was never a good reason for it, except the excuse that Eve caused all of man's troubles to begin with.  But after reading Ishmael's interpretation, I'm starting to see it in a different light.  Though Eve does lead to trouble, it's not because her gender is weak, it is because she controls the ability to reproduce.  Because women are the ones who bear children, they ultimately control the population of our species.  But true to Taker culture, we are unable to accept this.  Instead explanations are made about how we are the weaker sex or some such nonsense.
Our own modern day Adam and Eve with a new sort of knowledge temptation.

But back on the topic of population control, I recall reading an article a few years ago about the Chinese "one child per household" rule and how it was effecting the culture.  Because in their traditions, the son was the one to care for his parents in their old age and carry on the family name, people only wanted to have boys.  Baby girls were put up for adoption, abandoned, or sometimes even killed.  While at first there seemed to be no major ramifications for such actions, the repercussions slowly began to manifest themselves.  There were fewer and fewer women for men to court or even marry so selective pressures gave women a huge advantage.  Yet at the same time, the illegal sales of women into the countryside for brides increased to drastic numbers.  It became a serious threat to surrounding nations.  At the same time, unmarried men, often called "empty branches," fell into less desirable pursuits such as gangs and criminal activities.  I think the article mentioned a rise in crime that most likely had its correlation with the lack of females.  It's amazing how out of balance and distorted the world can become due to only the slightest gender shift.

"Consider it.  The Takers have a knowledge that enables them to rule the world, and the Leavers lack it." (155)

The belief that agriculture will take care of us, no matter what, is a flawed belief.
But we Takers seem to follow it all the same.

I've seen this attitude expressed through so many modes of interaction and multiple cultures throughout the world.  It's the hidden little secret behind our racism and sense of general superiority.  That's why the American government could order a resettlement of the Native Americans to Oklahoma.  That's why the majority of europe hated the germanic tribes.  And that's why even today we think as indigenous tribes as quaint or small-minded.  It's unfortunate and painful to see yet I feel we all partake in some bit of this prejudiced view.  One of my goals for the new year to keep a more open mind about all topics but I fear this is one area I'll have to work especially hard.

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