Of course, in Offred's story, this future has the possibility of being much more bleak than mine. She is either going to be freed or submitted to the eyes for god-knows-what kind of punishment. The worst I can claim happening to me is dealing with O-chem in my near future. But I also feel that I am experiencing an end and a beginning. I will no longer be the naive freshman who secretly carries a map in her backpack. I will no longer be in world lit, which has become a source of thought and reflection for me, even outside of class. And, I will no longer be living on campus where chores like cooking and cleaning the bathroom are done for me.
It's rather hard to believe that it's only been a year and yet much in my life has ended and even more has yet to begin. I could try listing off the future possibilities but it wouldn't do justice to reality. But I think I can connect myself to the second part of Offred's statement as well. I have, in a way, given myself over to strangers. Or former strangers would be more accurate. I came to UT knowing a small hand-full of kids from my high school. From there, I threw myself into groups like Plan II and Texas Taekwondo and gave myself to the activities that both participate in. I've become friends with all sorts of people and in a way, given my life over to them and this new life I have. It's part of growing up and moving into college I suppose, and I can't wait to see where it leads me next!
Just a few of the people I've given my life and time to. Picture thanks to Tina Tran. |
How the hell he got this idea, I haven't a clue. Women do not buy clothes to put on different personalities. They do not try to appear varied simply for the sake of a man. It's like he read an abstract on one of Freud's papers (such as his strange theory of "penis envy") and took it as truth. My real concern is that there are actually people who believe hookum like this. Yes, there are polyamorous creatures in the animal kingdom but there are a surprising number of animals who mate for life. It's not "nature's way" to be a man-slut. That's just an excuse. And of course, I can argue on the other side as well. Maybe I'm old fashioned but anyone taking multiple lovers is just asking for emotional (and potentially financial) trouble. It just ticks me off that the commander find it "natural" to sleep around. It is an ignorant and scientifically unfounded idea!